Importance of Ventilation

 Ventilation is an extremely important part of roofing and unfortunately most roofers don't quite understand how to do it properly. Many roofs are ventilated incorrectly in a number of ways in the DFW area. Whether it be mixing different types of vents, leaving out intake vents or having no vents at all.  Feel free to click here for a free consultation to make sure your ventilation is done correctly. 

The shingle manufacturer Owens Corning wrote a great article on attic ventilation. Here is a small snippet but I encourage you to check the full article out. 

"Your roof ventilation probably isn’t something you think about very often, but it plays an important role in many aspects of day-to-day life in your home. Having the right amount of ventilation in your attic can have a positive effect on the lifespan of your roof system, the comfort and well-being of your family, your future costs for home repairs and how much you pay for heating and cooling.


Effective ventilation in an unfinished attic usually includes intake vents down low along the soffits, and exhaust vents up high at the peak or roof ridge. This allows for a continuous flow of air through the space. Cooler outdoor air gets drawn in through the soffit vents, and warm, humid air that migrates to the highest point exits through the vents along the roof ridge.

Why Adequate Roof Ventilation is Important

Proper ventilation in your attic helps address excess heat and moisture that can otherwise wreak havoc on your home. Heat and moisture buildup in an attic cause predictable but different problems in hot and cold climates; areas with hot summers and cold winters can suffer the effects of both.

When it’s hot outside, the sun beating down on the roof can increase the temperature in the attic. Exposure to this excessive heat can warp the roof sheathing and distort and prematurely age the shingles. If the attic floor isn’t evenly and adequately insulated, that heat can radiate down into the finished living areas and make it more difficult and costly to keep the living space comfortable."

"Why Proper Attic Ventilation Is Important For Your Home." Owens Corning, 14 Jan 2020


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